Ways to Live Longer
Posted on July 14, 2006
Forbes has an article about fifteen ways to live longer. The articles frange from being optimistic to getting a pet.
"Those low on adult conscientiousness died sooner," Friedman concluded. Conscientiousness does not mean looking both ways before crossing the street, it means looking both ways when the light turns green so you don't accidentally run down a slow-moving pedestrian. Beyond that, a conscientious person's long-living qualities probably have to do with the fact that they are predisposed to constructively reacting to emotional and social situations, and are more likely to create work and living environments that promote good health.Here is the complete list of fifteen.There are also more traditional practices that the aspiring centenarian can take. People should stop smoking, eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight. While these may sound "nanny-ish," they are factors that cannot be overlooked. This might not sound like much fun, but it's a lot more fun than being dead.
Stop smoking and exercise look like the two most frequently mentioned ways to live longer. The article listed "don't oversleep" but regularly undersleeping is probably a bad idea as well.