Video: The Shoebill Stork, Balaeniceps rex

Posted on July 5, 2024

The Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) is a fearsome looking bird with a huge bulbous bill. The birds can reach up to five feet in standing height. They are found in Uganda.

The Hertfordshire Zoo has a Shoebill Stork, named Sushi, which can be seen in the video above. They also searched for the bird in its native environment, the wetlands of Uganda.

The San Diego Zoo also has Shoebill storks. The zoo's Shoebill page says they live about 35 years. They utilize their 7+ inch bulbous bill for multiple purposes including eating fish, watering eggs or chicks and making noise.

The zoo says Shoebills build nests on a floating island made from vegetation and lay up to 3 eggs.

They are classified as a Vulnerable species by the IUCN.

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