Video: Boston Dynamics Unveils Box Moving Robot Named Stretch

Posted on April 3, 2021

Boston Dynamics has unveiled a new box moving robot named Stretch. The company says Stretch is its first commercial robot designed specifically for warehouse and distribution centers.

Stretch uses computer vision technology to identify boxes. It has a lightweight arm and smart-gripper it uses to grab objects identified as boxes.

Stretch's robotic arm has 7 degrees-of-freedom. The robot can maneuver in any direction and navigate obstacles and ramps.

A report from Supply Chain Dive says Stretch can lift up to 50 pounds and has a pick rate of 800 cases per hour.

Robert Playter, CEO of Boston Dynamics, says in a statement, "Mobile robots enable the flexible movement of materials and improve working conditions for employees. Stretch combines Boston Dynamics’ advancements in mobility, perception and manipulation to tackle the most challenging, injury-prone case-handling tasks, and we’re excited to see it put to work."

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