Science Videos

The latest interesting videos in science, space, weather, animals and more!

Smiling Robot Face Made With Living Human Skin Cells (June 28, 2024): Researchers from the University of Tokyo created a happy robot face using living human skin cells.

3D Visualization of The Pillars of Creation (June 28, 2024): The Hubble Space Telescope shared this 3D visualization of The Pillars of Creation.

Video: Sinkhole Appears in Soccer Field in Illinois (June 27, 2024): A growing video is swallowing a soccer field in Illinois. The sinkhole's appearance was captured on video. It is about 30 feet deep and 100 feet wide.

DC Heat Wave Melts Abe Lincoln Wax Sculpture (June 27, 2024): Washington DC is experiencing a heat wave. This wax sculpture of Abraham Lincoln was no match for the heat. Abe's head melted away.

Covid Spike in Summer 2024 (June 26, 2024): Covid is going over an unexpected summer spike. ER visits are up 14.7% and hospitalizations are up 25% in the past few weeks.

Ancient Roman Laundry Unearthed Near Vatican (June 25, 2024): An ancient Roman laundry has been unearthed near the Vatican. It had mosaic-tiled floors. It was originally likely an imperial residence.

Fork Fern Has World's Largest Genome (June 24, 2024): A fork fern species has the largest known genome. It has a genome that is 50 times the size of a human genome.

ReachBot to Explore Caves on Mars (June 23, 2024): ReachBot is a lightweight robot with extendable booms that is being developed by Stanford University researchers to explore caves on the moon and Mars.

Video: Deep-sea Squid Carrying Large Eggs (June 22, 2024): MBARI observed a large deep-squid carrying a cluster of large eggs. The researchers suspect it is a new species of Gonatidae e that broods giant eggs.

Study Finds Seven Stars Possibly Containing Dyson Spheres (June 21, 2024): A study has found seven possible stars containing Dyson spheres. The researchers looked for evidence of infrared radiation that could not be explained.

Astronomers Observe Black Hole Awakening (June 19, 2024): Astronomers observe a black hole awakening in real time. Galaxy SDSS1335+0728 start shining brighter than ever before in 2019.

Video: Summer Heat Dome Impacts 73 Million (June 18, 2024): An early heat dome is brining excessive heat warnings to the midwest and eastern U.S.

Video: Some Dairy Farms Using Huge Methane Digesters (June 18, 2024): Dairy Farms in California are using large methane digesters to reduce the climate impact and increase revenues.

Video: Ghost Heart is Infused With Beating Human Stem Cells (September 30, 2022): A heart dubbed a ghost heart has been developed by Dr. Doris Taylor. It uses a scaffolding of a pig's heart.

Video: DART Spacecraft Collides with Asteroid (September 26, 2022): Here is the moment NASA's Dart spacecraft made its historic collision with the Dimorphos asteroid.

Panda Overload Video: China Research Center Displays 14 Panda Cubs (September 25, 2013): The Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base in Sichuan, China put 14 panda cubs on display at once. The cubs were born this summer.

Thousands of Humboldt Squid Carcasses Litter Beaches of Santa Cruz County (December 14, 2012): The carcasses of thousands of humboldt squid have littered the beaches in Santa Cruz County in California.

Mantis Shrimp Rapidly Grab Prey in Clip from BBC's Deadly 60 (July 14, 2012): A diver teases out mantis shrimps with bait in this video clip from the BBC's documentary series,

Video: Spotted Eagle Rays and Galapagos Garden Eels (June 28, 2012): This video clip is from the BBC Natural history series Galapagos.

Video: Bactrian Camel Birth at Cincinnati Zoo (April 29, 2012): A Bactrian camel was born at the Cincinnati Zoo. It walked later on the same day it was born.

Video: Depressing Gaza Zoo Puts Stuffed Animals in Cages (April 22, 2012): The Gaza Zoo is now displaying stuffed animals because it is too difficult to obtain new ones and the zoo could not afford to feed them if it did acquire them.

Video: Robot Quadrotors Work Together to Perform James Bond Theme (March 4, 2012): Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's GRASP Lab programmed a swarm of robot quadrotors to perform the James Bond theme music.

Video: Camera Trap Captures Endangered Snow Leopard in Bhutan (February 16, 2012): Camera traps have captured footage of the engangered snow leopard in Bhutan's Wangchuck Centennial Park.

Toyota Robot Plays Violin at Shanghai World Expo 2010 (May 17, 2010): A robot from Toyota played the violen at the Shanghai World Expo 2010. It performed at the Japanese Pavilion.

Panasonic Creates Little Bicycling Robot (July 24, 2009): Watch this cute little robot from Panasonic pedal away. The robot was created to promote new Panasonic batteries.