Fish: Page: 5

This is page 5 of the Fish posts on Science, Space & Robots.

Ancient Helicoprion Ratfish Had Spiral-Toothed Jaw
The ancient Helicoprion had a bizarre spiral-toothed jaw. (February 27, 2013)

Fukushima Fish Named Mike Has 2,500 Times Legal Limit of Radioactivity for Human Consumption
Tepco, the company that runs the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Japan, found a fish that has 2,500 times the legal limit of radioactivity for human consumption. (January 21, 2013)

Japanese Scientists Building Pulsating Space Jellyfish
Professor Yoichiro Kawaguchi at the University of Tokyo is working on constructing a (January 21, 2013)

The Lobed Comb Jellies Have Eight Comb Rows
This video from the Monterey Bay Aquarium shows a Lobed Comb Jelly. (January 20, 2013)

Wels Catfish Filmed Hunting and Killing Pigeons
A new study published in PLoS One has revealed that the Wels catfish (Silurus glanis) is successful at hunting birds on the shore. (December 7, 2012)

Fossil of Ancient Flying Fish Discovered
Scientists have discovered the fossil of a flying fish in southwest China. (November 1, 2012)

Archer Fish Form Gun Barrel Shape in Mouth When Blasting Insects With Water Jet
Scientists have determined how archer fish are able to blast prey with a stream of water. (October 25, 2012)

Scientists Warn Fish May Shrink by as Much as 24% by 2050
One side effect of global warming will be smaller fishes. (October 1, 2012)

Male llanos Mosquitofish Have Four Hooks on Their Genitalia
The males of a new species of freshwater fish - the llanos mosquitofish, or Gambusia quadruncus - have four hooks on their genitalia. (September 27, 2012)

Eyeless Australian Cave Fish Found to Have Closest Relatives in Madagascar
A team of researchers from Louisiana State University and the American Museum of Natural History has discovered that two groups of blind cave fishes on opposite sides of the Indian Ocean are each other's closest relatives. (August 29, 2012)

Video: Observations of a Deep-sea Angler Fish
This video from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) shows never-before seen footage of a deep-sea angler fish, Chaunacops coloratus. (August 25, 2012)

Red Swamp Crayfish are Ultimate Survivors Say Scientists
Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London have found that the red swamp crayfish is the ultimate survivor. (August 5, 2012)

Strange Looking Fish Found on New Zealand Deep Ocean Seafloor
New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) worked with the research vessel Tangaroa to explore the deep ocean seafloor. (July 27, 2012)

Scientists Build Artificial Tissue-Engineered Jellyfish Named Medusoid
A team of researchers at Harvard University and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have turned silicone and living rat cardiac muscle cells into a jellyfish-like thing they have named Medusoid. (July 24, 2012)

Video: Pufferfish Inflates to Escape Otter
An otter captures a pufferfish in this National Geographic video. (June 8, 2012)

Video: Bonaire Banded Box Jellyfish Swimming
The Bonaire Banded Box Jellyfish is an impressive looking jellyfish with an equally impressive sting. (May 24, 2012)

Video: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Explains Deepstaria Jellyfish
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) reports on the Deepstaria, which has received a lot of attention lately following the blob-like creature recorded by cameras on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) that turned out to be a Deepstaria reticulum jellyfish. (May 19, 2012)

Report: Jellyfish Increasing in Most of the World's Coastal Ecosystems
A study by University of British Columbia researchers has found that Jellyfish are increasing in number in the majority of the world's coastal ecosystem. (April 18, 2012)

Electric Knifefish Uses Electric Field to Communicate, Navigate and Hunt
The electric eel can generate enough current to stun its prey, but there are also fish that generate weak amounts of electricity. (April 9, 2012)

Deceptive Male Crayfish With Large, Weak Claws Win Fights by Trickery
Researchers have found that male crayfish often win fights by intimidation alone. (March 24, 2012)

Georgia Tech Researchers Studying Sandfish Lizards for Search and Rescue Robot Ideas
Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have been studying sandfish lizards for the past three years. (March 22, 2012)

Ocean Powered Robojelly Could Power Itself Indefinitely
Robojelly is a hydrogen-powered robot that mimics the look of movements of a real jellyfish. (March 21, 2012)

Scientists Get Real Fish to Follow Robotic Fish
Scientists at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University have succeeded in getting real fish to follow a robotic fish. (February 29, 2012)

Researchers Discover How Monkey Fish Were Made
Researchers at the St George's University and Horniman Museum have discovered how monkey fish are thought to have been made by 18th century Asian fisherman. (February 28, 2012)