Fish: Page: 4

This is page 4 of the Fish posts on Science, Space & Robots.

Peanut Butter and Jellyfish: Moon Jellies Fed Peanut Butter in Experiment
Researchers fed peanut butter to baby moon jellies in an experiment. The jellies grew at a near normal rate. (February 26, 2014)

Fish on Wheels System Lets Goldfish Drive Fish Tank
The Fish of Wheels system lets goldfish drive its fish tank around. The tank moves in the same direction the goldfish is swimming. (February 10, 2014)

New Species of Giant Jellyfish Washes Ashore in Tasmania
A new species of giant jellyfish was found washed up on a beach in Tasmania. An excited scientist said phwoar when she saw the photograph. (February 6, 2014)

Oregon Chub Expected to Be First Fish Removed From Endangered Species List
The Oregon chub is proposed as the first fish to be removed from the Endangered Species List . The small minnow was listed as endangered in 1993. (February 4, 2014)

Starfish Suffering From Sea Star Wasting Syndrome Lose Arms and Disintegrate
Starfish suffering from sea star wasting sydrome lose their arms and die. The arms crawl off the bodies of some starfish while other stars become piles of mush. (February 3, 2014)

Scientists Discover New Big Head Fish Species in Northern Rocky Mountains
Scientists have discovered a new fish species, the Cedar Sculpin, in the Northern Rocky Mountains. (January 31, 2014)

New Crayfish Species Named After Hatfield and McCoy Feud
A new crayfish discovered in the Appalachian Mountains has been named after the Hatfield and McCoy feuding families. (January 19, 2014)

Black-Eyed Squid Battles Owlfish in MBARI Video
A black-eyed squid battels an owlfish in this video captured by MBARI's ROV. (January 17, 2014)

Tiktaalik Fossils Reveal Key Link in Evolution of Hind Limbs
Fossils of Tiktaalik, an ancient fish and crocodile-like creature, reveal a key link in the evolution of hind limbs. (January 14, 2014)

Video: African Tigerfish Catches Bird in Flight
An African tigerfish was captured on video capturing a swallow in mid-flight. (January 13, 2014)

Tiny Flying Robot Resembles a Jellyfish
Leif Ristroph and colleagues at New York University have built a four-winged robot that flies like a jellyfish. (November 26, 2013)

18-Foot-Long Oarfish Found Off Coast of Southern California
A marine science instructor found an 18-foot-long oarfish off the Southern California coast. A photo shows over 15 people holding the long fish. (October 15, 2013)

South Korean Scientists Develop Jellyfish Shredding Robot
Scientists develop jellyfish shredding robot called JEROS. JEROS stands for Jellyfish Elimination Robotic Swarm. (October 4, 2013)

Ancient Fish is Earliest Known Species With a Modern Jaw
The fossil of an ancient fish, Entelognathus primordialis, has been discovered in China. The fish is the oldest known species with a modern jaw. (September 29, 2013)

New Genus of Electric Fish Discovered in South America
A new genus of electric fish has been discovered in a remote region of South America. The thin eel-like fish is called Akawaio penak was found in the upper Mazaruni River. (September 25, 2013)

Male Pufferfish Make Cool Looking Underwater Circular Structures to Attract Females
Here is video footage of pufferfish making cool looking underwater circular structures to attract females. (August 15, 2013)

New Cave Fish Discovered in Madagascar Named After Sinkhole Fever
A new cave fish discovered in Madagascar has been named after a local sinkhole fever. (August 8, 2013)

Study Finds Fish Fear Robotic Predators Unless They Are Drunk
A new study has found that fish fear robotic versions of predators. The fish did not fear the robots as much if they were drunk. (August 3, 2013)

Tiny New Armored Catfish Species Found in Brazil
A tiny new species of catfish has been discovered in the waters of Rio Rio Paraiba do Sul basin, Brazil. It belongs to a genus of armored catfishes. (July 19, 2013)

Tiny New Fish Discovered in Southern Caribbean
A tiny new fish has been discovered in the southern Caribbean. The fish is named Haptoclinus dropi. (June 10, 2013)

Odd Sucking Disc of Remora Fish Developed From Dorsal Fin
Scientists have determined that the odd sucking disc on the remora fish developed from its dorsal fin. (June 7, 2013)

Fossils of New Species of Primitive Spiny Shark Discovered in Teruel, Spain
The fossils of a new species of ancient spiny shark have been discovered in Turuel, Spain. The fish lives about 408 million years ago. (June 3, 2013)

New Bass Species Discovered in Florida
Scientists with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission discover a new species of black bass. (May 8, 2013)

Researchers Unveil Five Foot Wide Robotic Jellyfish
Researchers at the Virginia Tech College of Engineering have unveiled a man-sized autonomous robotic jellyfish. (March 28, 2013)

Scientists Find Fossil of Ancient Species of Armored Fish in Pennsylvania
Scientists have discovered a new species of armored fish in 370 million-year-old red sandstone deposits in a highway roadcut in Pennsylvania. (March 27, 2013)