Thousands of Dead Fish Wash Ashore in Marina Del Rey, California
Posted on May 18, 2014
Foul stench fill the air in #MarinaDelRey 1000s of fish are dead in the water. #mapit
� Q McCray (@ABC7QMcCray) May 18, 2014
A mass fish death has been reported in Marina Del Rey, California. Thousands of dead fish have washed ashore. Most of the dead fish are silvery anchovies. Some of the other dead fish include stingrays, halibut and sunfish. The fish reportedly started dying yesterday afternoon.
ABC7 reports that authorities say this happens once or twice a year, but residents disagree that it is this common. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has people on the scene investigating the incident. There was a major heat wave in Southern California recently. Take a look: