Tech News: Page 16

This is page 16 of the tech news archives.

MABEL is the World's Fastest Bipedal Robot With Knees (August 16, 2011): A two-legged robot in a University of Michigan lab can run like a human.

Robots Work Together to Remove a Book From a Shelf (August 15, 2011): In this robot project called Swarmanoid a group of robots work together to remove a book from a shelf.

Hexapod Robot Taught to Play Piano and Chess (August 10, 2011): A hexapod robot, named Chiara, has been taught how to play Ode to Joy.

Creator of Tribble-like Robot Named Lovotics Says Bot Was Programmed With the Ability to Love (July 31, 2011): Hooman Samani, artificial intelligence researcher in Keio-NUS CUTE Center, has come up with Lovotics, a white Tribble-like robot that he claims has the ability to love and be loved by humans.

Video: Robots Prepare and Serve a Bavarian Breakfast (June 24, 2011): Robots TUM-James and TUM-Rosie cooperated to make a Bavarian sausage breakfast.

Japanese Researchers Create Sense-Roid, a Huggable Robot Torso (June 23, 2011): Japanese researchers have created the Sense-Roid, a headless robotic mannequin that hugs you back when you give it a hug.

Mitsubishi Electric Installs Giant OLED Globe in Tokyo Museum (June 14, 2011): Mitsubishi Electric Corporation installed a six-meter OLED globe at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo, Japan.

Handyscope Makes Mobile Skin Cancer Exams Possible With iPhone (May 12, 2011): FotoFinder Systems has launched a device for mobile skin cancer examinations with the iPhone.

Medigus Announces World's Smallest Video Camera (May 6, 2011): Medigus Ltd.

Underwater Scooters Called HydroBOBs Look Like Great Fun (April 26, 2011): The Hydrodome in Ft.

Video: 10-Meter-Long Wind-Powered Strandbeest Walks Along Holland Beach (April 21, 2011): A wind-powered Strandbeest, created by artist Theo Jansen, is seen on one of Holland's beaches.

Video: BAE Tests Ejection Seat for F-35 Lightning II Fighter Jet (April 14, 2011): Here is a video of BAE Systems testing its escape system for the F-35 Lightning II aircraft.

Festo's SmartBird Robot Resembles a Real Bird From a Distance (March 28, 2011): A company named Festo has built an impressive looking robot bird.

Study Investigates How People Respond to Being Touched by a Robot (March 9, 2011): In a new study, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology looked at how people responded when a robotic nurse, named Cody, touched and wiped a person's forearm.

The Flypaper Clock Generates Power by Eating Flies (February 22, 2011): This video shows a clock that eats flies.

Tiny Robots Compete in World's First Full Robot Marathon (February 17, 2011): Three small two-legged robots and one wheeled robot will compete in the world's first full robot marathon in Osaka in Western Japan.

NYU Professor Embeds Camera in the Back of His Head (December 5, 2010): A NYU photography professor had a titanium plate implanted in his skull with a camera attached to it. He later had to have it removed.

Virginia Tech Students Built Solar-Powered Smart Home (October 17, 2010): Virginia Tech students built a solar-powered smart home called LumenHaus.

Elena Bodnar's Emergency Bra Converts Into a Gas Mask (October 9, 2010): Ukrainian-born scientist Elena Bodnar won the Ig Nobel prize for Public Health for the Emergency Bra, a bra that can convert into a gas mask.

Researchers Invent Snakebot That Climbs Up Trees and Looks Around (September 4, 2010): Reseearchers at the Biorobotics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a snake robot, called Snakebot, that can climb a tree and have a look around.

Research Lab Designed to Roll Across the Arctic Tundra (August 28, 2010): Here is an interesting idea for an arctic research lab.

Japanese Roboticist Creates Creepy Telepresence Robot (August 3, 2010): The Daily Mail reprots that a Japanese roboticist has unveiled a telepresence robot called the Telenoid R1.

Cornell's Ranger Robot Holds Record for Non-Stop Walking by an Untethered Legged Robot (July 30, 2010): Cornell's 4-legged bipedal robot named Ranger holds the world record for non-stop distance walked by an untethered legged robot.

Researchers Create Climbing Robot Inspired by Geckos (July 28, 2010): Researchers at Stanford Unviersity created Stickybot, a robot with sticky feet that was inspired by geckos.

National Physical Laboratory Scientists Build World's Smallest Snowman (December 13, 2009): The snowman pictured is only 0.

Science, Space & Robots