Space News: Page 29

This is page 29 of the space news archives.

Flying Whales and Balloon Plants (March 23, 2006): Wired reports on a documentary project by National Geograpic to create fictitious alien life forms for a planet called Aurelia and lunar orb called Blue Moon.

Stunning Image of The Pinwheel Galaxy (March 21, 2006): Hubble has provided this stunning image of the spiral galaxy Messier 101, which is also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy.

Google Lauches Google Mars (March 16, 2006): >Google has a new feature called Google Mars that lets you browse the surface of Mars using images provided by NASA using the same technology behind Google Maps.

Mars in 3 Hours? (January 30, 2006): An article on New Scientist discusses an ship that could slip into multidimensional hyperspace and travel to far away destinations incredibly quickly -- like Mars in just 3 hours.

New Planet is Earth's Size But Too Cold (January 28, 2006): Astronomers continue to hunt for Earth-like planets.

Beagle 2 Found on Mars? (December 20, 2005): The BBC reports that one of the scientists working on the Beagle 2 mission believes the lost Mars probe may have been discovered in recent pictures of the Mars surface.

Scientists Concerned About Possible Asteroid Hit in 2036 (December 11, 2005): The Guardian reports that scientists are concerned that a 390-meter wide asteroid named Apophis has an outside chance of hitting Earth and causing devastation in 2036.

New Strategy to Stop Asteroids (November 12, 2005): New Scientist reports that a new strategy developed by NASA astronaut Edward Lu to stop asteroids involves placing a massive object, likely a huge spaceship, near the incoming asteroid and use gravity to pull the object out of an orbit that will hit planet Earth.

NASA: Fireball Sightings are Meteors (November 3, 2005): The fireball sightings around the world are likely meteors according to a NASA article.

NASA's $100 Billion Moon Plan (September 18, 2005): CNN reports that NASA has developed a $100 billion plan to return to the moon in 2018.

Discovery Space Shuttle Lands Successfully (August 10, 2005): A successful landing by the Discovery Space Shuttle on Tuesday brought a big sigh of relief around the world.

Discovery Given OK for Return Flight (August 4, 2005): NASA has declared the Discovery space shuttle safe to return home after an unprecedented spacewalk where astronaut Stephen Robinson removed two fabric strips from the underbelly of the spacecraft.

NASA Halts Future Shuttle Missions (July 28, 2005): The BBC reports that NASA has halted future shuttle flights after footage showed foam falling from Discovery's external tank.

Deep Impact Spacecraft Strike Comet (July 5, 2005): NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft had a successful mission today with a perfect strike on the Comet Tempel 1.

Space Shuttle Launch Date of July 13th Announced (July 1, 2005): NASA has selected July 13th as the next launch date for the Discovery space shuttle.

Stop Global Warming With a Giant Space Ring (June 30, 2005): LiveScience reports on another idea to battle global warming using technology.

NOAA Issues Space Weather Warning (May 16, 2005): Forecasters at the NOAA Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colo.

Hybrid Solar Eclipse of 2005 (April 7, 2005): A partial solar eclipse will occur on April 8th, 2005.

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