Space News: Page 28

This is page 28 of the space news archives.

Man on Mars or Rock on Mars? (January 28, 2008): Some believe that the above magnified image from Nasa's spacecraft Spirit is a man or creature on the planet Mars.

Incoming Spy Satellite (January 26, 2008): The Associated Press is reporting that U.

Virgin Galactic Unveils New Ship Designs (January 23, 2008): Virgin Galactic has released designs for its SpaceShipTwo and its carrier airplane, WhiteKnightTwo.

The Supermassive Black Hole (January 16, 2008): The Daily Galaxy has a great post about a massive black hole that sits at the center of a distant galaxy.

White Dwarf Emits Pulses of X-Rays (January 3, 2008): This white dwarf in the AE Aquarii system is the first star of its type known to give off pulsar-like pulsations that are powered by its rotation and particle acceleration.

The Phantom Galaxy (November 29, 2007): Hubble released the following information about Messier 74 - a galaxy 32 million light years from Earth - as part of its "holiday wishes" message.

Astronomers Discover Giant Radio Signal in Space (September 27, 2007): Reuters reports that astronomers discovered a strong radio signal coming from 3 billion light years away.

Peruvian Villagers Ill Following Meteorite Hit (September 18, 2007): It sounds like the start of a science fiction movie.

Scientist Suggests Terraforming Mars (June 25, 2007): Space.

Gliese 581 C: Earth-like Planet (April 27, 2007): A new planet called Gliese 581 C has been discovered by astronomers 20.

Design for the Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center (April 6, 2007): Commemorating the 4th anniversary of the Columbia Space Shuttle tragedy, the Miami-based architecture firm Arquitectonica unveiled its design for the Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center in Downey, California.

NASA Can't Afford Killer Asteroid Hunt (March 12, 2007): The Associated Press is reporting that NASA does not have the $1 billion in its budget to track down killer asteroids that might cause us harm.

Saturn Images From Cassini (March 2, 2007): NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured new views of Saturn from perspectives high above and below the planet's rings.

NASA Devising Plan to Land Astronaut on Asteroid (November 20, 2006): The Guardian reports that NASA is drawing up plans to land an astronaut on an asteroid -- the same thing Bruce Willis did in the film Armageddon.

Manmade Black Hole Risk is Extremely Small (October 20, 2006): Greg Landsberg at Brown University in Providence, R.

Mather and Smoot Win Nobel Prize in Physics (October 3, 2006): John C Mather and George F Smoot have won have won the 2006 Nobel Physics Prize, for "their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB)".

Mars Rovers Returns Images of Victoria Crater (October 2, 2006): The BBC reports that Enduring, one of NASA's enduring Mars rovers, is returning pictures from the Victoria Crater on Mars.

Face on Mars is Not a Face (September 25, 2006): The face on Mars appears to be a natural rock formation based on new images taken by Mars Express.

Russian Math Genius Shuns Prize (September 14, 2006): CBS News reports that a Russian math expert named Grigory Perelman has solved a topology problem that could help determine the shape of the universe.

Anousheh Ansari is Next Space Adventures Tourist (August 30, 2006): Anousheh Ansari will be the first female spaceflight participant to use Space Adventures unique service to travel to the International Space Station.

Pluto Dropped From Planet List (August 24, 2006): Pluto has been dropped from the list of nine planets. The controversial decision was made at the 2006 International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly.

Newly Discovered Planemos Orbit Around Each Other (August 17, 2006): ESO scientists have discovered a pair of exoplanets that orbit around each other and not a star.

NASA No Longer Protecting the Planet? (August 1, 2006): The New York Times recently reported that NASA's mission statement has been changed to delete the phrase "to understand and protect our home planet.

NASA Interested in Arctic Glacier Bacteria (June 28, 2006): Digital Journal reports that an expedition is headed to the high Arctic to follow-up on Benoit Beauchamp's discovery of an unusual yellow stain on an arctic glacier that was found to contain new forms of bacteria and vaterite, a very rare mineral.

Mars Rovers Still Going (April 18, 2006): The Mars rovers Spirt and Opportunity continue to explore the Martian landscape.

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