Space News: Page 15

This is page 15 of the space news archives.

Saturn's Moon Dione May Have Once Had Subsurface Ocean (June 2, 2013): Saturn's moon Dione may have had and may still have a subsurface ocean. The ocean could be under a mountain named Janiculum Dorsa

Mars Pebble Discovery Indicates Ancient Flowing Stream (May 31, 2013): Analysis of pebble-containing slabs on Mars indicates ancient, flowing stream that was ankle-deep to hip-deep.

Ancient Egyptians Used Meteorites as Fashion Accessories (May 30, 2013): Researchers have discovered the Ancient Egyptians used meteorities as fashion accessories.

Asteroid 1998 QE2 Has a Moon (May 30, 2013): NASA has revealed that 1998 QE2, a 1.7-mile-wide asteroid, has a small moon orbiting aorund it.

NASA Supercomputer Simulation Shows Massive Galaxy Forming by Feeding on Cosmic Swirly Straws (May 27, 2013): This NASA simulation shows the formation of a massive galaxy during the

15 Years of Very Large Telescope Celebrated With New Image of Stellar Nursery IC 2944 (May 25, 2013): 15 years of the ESO's Very Large Telescope is being celebrated with new image of IC 2944, a stellar nursery located 6500 light-years from Earth.

Hubble Reveals Ring Nebula Looks More Like a Distorted Jelly Doughnut Than a Ring (May 23, 2013): New data from Hubble has enabled astronomers to construct the most detailed 3D image yet of the Ring Nebula, which has a jelly doughnut shape.

Herschel Space Observatory Finds Galaxy Mega Merger (May 23, 2013): Herschel Space Observatory has observed a galaxy mega merger churning out the equivalent of 2,000 suns of year.

1.7 Mile Wide Asteroid 1998 QE2 to Pass Within 3.6 Million Miles of Earth on May 31, 2013 (May 19, 2013): 1998 QE2, a 1.7-mile-wide asteroid, will pass within 3.6 million miles of the Earth on May 31.

NASA: 40 Kilogram Meteoroid Hit Moon in March Creating Very Bright Explosion (May 17, 2013): NASA researchers detected a bright explosion on the moon on March 17. It was ten times brighter than any previous explosion observed on the moon in the history of NASA.

Astronomers Discover Exoplanet Using Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (May 13, 2013): Astonomers have discovered a new expolanet using a new method that relies on Einstein's special theory of relativity.

Hubble Finds Atmosphere of White Dwarfs Polluted With Planet Debris (May 10, 2013): Hubble finds building blocks for Earth-sized planets in the atmospheres of burned-out stars called white dwarfs. Finding suggests rocky planet assembly is common around stars.

78,000 People Apply for One-Way Trip to Mars Through Mars One (May 10, 2013): Nearly 80,000 people have already applied for a one-way trip to Mars through Mars One, a Dutch non-profit that plans to establish a human settlement on Mars in 2023.

Supermassive Black Hole at Center of Milky Way Snacks on Hot Gas (May 7, 2013): The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way has been observed snacking on hot gas by the Herschel space observatory.

Virgin Galactic Makes Successful Test Flight (April 29, 2013): Virgin Galactic made its first successful rocket-powered test flight of SpaceShipTwo (SS2) today, Monday 4-29-13.

NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Captures Close-Up View of Saturn's Massive Hurricane (April 29, 2013): NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured close-up views on the massive hurricane around Saturn's north pole.

New Image of Ghostly Green Planetary Nebula Released (April 29, 2013): The European Southern Observatory (ESO) recently released this image and video of the glowing green planetary nebula IC 1295.

Closest Star System Discovered Since 1916 (April 27, 2013): NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) has discovered a pair of stars that has taken over the title for the third-closest star system to the sun.

Scientists Determine Earth's Core is as Hot at Sun's Surface (April 27, 2013): Scientists have determined that the temperature near the center of the Earth is 6000 degrees Celsius, give or take about 500 degrees.

Water in Stratosphere of Jupiter Was Delivered by Comet (April 26, 2013): Water in the stratosphere of Jupiter was delivered there by comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which struck Jupiter in 1994.

Astronomers Using White Dwarf Orbiting Massive Neutron Star to Test General Relativity (April 26, 2013): Astronomers announced today that they have been using ESO's Very Large Telescope to observe what they call "a bizarre stellar pair.

Astronomers Discover Most Efficient Star Making Galaxy Ever Observed (April 24, 2013): Astronomers announced they have found a galaxy turning gas into stars with almost 100% efficiency.

Hubble Provides View of Comet ISON (April 23, 2013): The NASA Hubble Space Telescope has provided the clearest view yet of Comet ISON.

Raw Footage: Suspected Meteor Interrupts Concert in Argentina (April 22, 2013): This raw footage shows a suspected meteor filmed at a concert in Santiago del Estero, Argentina.

NASA Video: Three Years of the Sun in Three Minutes (April 22, 2013): NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has maintained nearly unbroken coverage of the sun over the past three years.

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