Space News: Page 13

This is page 13 of the space news archives.

NASA Cameras Captured Meteor Over Southeastern U.S. on August 28 (September 7, 2013): NASA cameras captured a fireball over the Georgia/Tennesse border, on August 28.

NASA's LADEE Probe Will Study Moon Dust (September 6, 2013): NASA's LADEE probe is ready for launch tonight. It will study moon dust.

Hubble Spies a Cosmic Caterpillar (August 30, 2013): Hubble spies a cosmic caterpillar. The protostar is one light year long.

Uranus has a Trojan Companion (August 29, 2013): Astronomers say Uranus has a Trojan companion. Trojans are asteroids that share the orbit of a planet.

Astronomers Identify Oldest Solar Twin (August 28, 2013): Astronomers have identified the oldest solar twin using ESO's Very Large Telescope.

Titan Aerospace Says Its Solar Powered Drones Could Remain in Space for Years (August 26, 2013): Titan Aerospace says its solar powered drones, Solara 50, could remain in space for years at a time.

Astronomers Say Planets Can Form Without Parent Stars (August 21, 2013): Astronomers say planets can form from tiny dark clouds called globulettes. These free-floating planets from without a parent star.

Chelyabinsk Meteor Sent Plume of Meteor Dust Around the World (August 19, 2013): The Suomi NPP satellite tracked the Chelyabinsk meteor plume around Earth.

MIT Researchers Discover Exoplanet That Orbits Its Star in Just 8.5 Hours (August 19, 2013): MIT researchers have discovered an exoplanet that orbits its star in just 8.5 hours. The exoplanet is 7000 light-years from Earth.

Curiosity Rover Observes Two Moons Passing in the Martian Night (August 16, 2013): This sped-up movie shows the Curiosity rover observing two moons passing the Martian night

Astonomers Image Magenta Planet GJ 504b (August 12, 2013): Astronomers have imaged GJ 504b, which glows a dark magenta. The astronomers used data from the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii.

Sun's Magnetic Field Will Soon Flip Say Solar Physicists (August 7, 2013): The Sun's magnetic field will flip in the coming months according to solar physicists. The flip could occur in the next 3 to 4 months.

NASA's Curiosity Rover Celebrates First Year on Mars (August 6, 2013): NASA's Curiosity rover has now been on Mars for over a year.

Japanese Robot Astronaut Headed for International Space Station (August 4, 2013): Kirobo, a small talking Japanese robot, is headed for the International Space Station.

Image of Saturn Moons Mimas and Pandora Taken by NASA's Cassini Spacecraft (July 31, 2013): Here is an amazing image of Saturn Moons Mimas and Pandora taken by NASA's Cassini Spacecraft

Astronauts Remotely Control Rovers on Earth from the International Space Station (July 30, 2013): Astronauts on the International Space Station remotely controlled a rover on Earth

X-Ray Observations Used to Detect Exoplanet Passing in Front of its Parent Star (July 29, 2013): X-ray observations have been used to detect an exoplanet passing in front of its parent star for the first time.

Astronomers Using ALMA Image Snow Line in Infant Star System (July 28, 2013): Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) have taken the first ever image of the snow line in an infant planetary system

Massive Particle Accelerator Discovered in Van Allen Radiation Belts (July 28, 2013): A massive particle accelerator was discovered in the Van Allen radiation belts by the twin Van Allen Probes.

Hubble Image of Center of NGC 524, a Lenticular Galaxy (July 28, 2013): Hubble image of the center of NGC 524, a lenticular galaxy located 90 million light-years from Earth.

NASA Identifies Perseids as the Fireball Champion of Annual Meteor Showers (July 27, 2013): NASA says the Perseids are the fireball champions of annual meteor shower. 2013 Perseid display peaks on August 12th and August 13th.

NASA Satellites Measure Photosynthesis From Space (July 25, 2013): NASA scientists have discovered a new way to use satellites to measure fluorescence and determine plant health.

NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Takes Image of Earth From Saturn Orbit (July 23, 2013): NASA's Cassini spacecraft took an image of Earth from Saturn orbit on July 19th.

Trailer for Cosmos Series Narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson Revealed at Comic-Con (July 23, 2013): The trailer for the Cosmos series, narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, was revealed at Comic-Con in San Diego.

Scientists Say Gold Comes From Colliding Dead Stars (July 23, 2013): Scientists say the gold on Earth is the result of colliding dead stars.

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