Space News: Page 10

This is page 10 of the space news archives.

NASA Confirms Discovery of First Earth-Sized Planet in Habitable Zone of its Star (April 17, 2014): NASA has confirmed the discovery of the first Earth-sized planet located in the habitable zone of its star. The planet is Kepler-186f.

Possible Moon Named Peggy Forming in One of Saturn's Rings (April 15, 2014): A possible moon, named Peggy, appears to be forming in one of Saturn's rings.

NASA Begins Construction on Spacecraft That Will Take Sample From Asteroid in 2018 (April 13, 2014): NASA has started building the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft that will viisit the asteroid Bennu in 2018 and return with a sample.

NASA Researchers May Have Found Possible Exomoon (April 11, 2014): NASA researchers may have found a possible exomoon. NASA says it could also be a small, faint star.

Scientists Reconstruct Massive Asteroid that Collided With Earth 3.26 Billion Years Ago (April 9, 2014): Scientists have reconstructed an asteroid that hit Earth over 3 billion years ago. They say the 23 mile wide asteroid punched a crater 300 miles wide into the Earth's crust.

Curiosity Rover Photos Appear to Capture Strange Light on Surface of Mars (April 7, 2014): Photographs taken by the Curiosity rover appear to have captured a strange light source on the surface of Mars.

Dark Matter Possibly Located at Center of Milky Way With Fermi Telescope (April 7, 2014): Dark matter has possibly been located at the center of the Milky Way using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.

NASA Releases Video of M-Class Solar Flare (April 6, 2014): NASA has released images and video of a M6.5 solar flare which erupted from the sun on April 2, 2014.

NASA: Saturn's Moon Enceladus Harbors Underground Ocean of Liquid Water (April 3, 2014): NASA announced today that Saturn's moon Enceladus harbors an underground ocean of liquid water.

NASA Releases Animation of Mission to Capture a Boulder From Asteroid's Surface (March 30, 2014): NASA released this animation of a mission to capture a boulder from the surface of an asteroid.

NASA's Sunflower-Shaped Starshade Could Help Astronomers Take Better Pictures of Exoplanets (March 29, 2014): NASA is working on a prototype spacecraft named Starshade that could take pictures of planets orbiting other stars.

Chariklo is a Comet-like Miniature Planet With Rings (March 28, 2014): Astronomers have found Chariklo, a comet-like miniature planet with rings. It is located between Saturn and Uranus.

Hubble Spots Mars-Bound Comet Sprouting Multiple Jets (March 27, 2014): Hubble has spotted a Mars-bound comet sprouting multiple jets. The comet will pass within 84,000 miles of Mars on October 19th.

New Dwarf Planet Found Beyond Sedna (March 27, 2014): Astronomers have discovered a new dwarf planet found beyond Sedna in the inner Oort cloud.

Earth-sized Exoplanet Reportedly Discovered Orbiting Red Dwarf in Habitable Zone (March 22, 2014): The first Earth-sized exoplanet has reportedly been discovered in a habitable zone around its parent star, a red dwarf.

Inner Radiation Belt Surrounding Earth Organized in Zebra Stripe Patterns (March 22, 2014): The inner radiation belt surrounding earth displays a persistent pattern resembling zebra stripes.

Scientists Say Titan's Second Largest Sea is Mirror Smooth (March 20, 2014): Stanford scientists say Ligeia Mare, Titan's second largest sea, has a mirror-like smoothness.

Hubble Celebrates 24th Anniversary With Infrared Look at Monkey Head Nebula (March 19, 2014): Hubble celebrates its 24th anniversary with this infrared look at the Monkey Head Nebula.

Astronomers Find First Direct Evidence of Cosmic Inflation (March 18, 2014): Astronomers have announced finding the first direct evidence of cosmic inflation. The findings are from observations by the BICEP2 telescope of the cosmic microwave background.

Astronomers Find Largest Yellow Hypergiant Star (March 12, 2014): Astronomers using ESO's Very Large Telescope have found the largest yellow star. It has 1300 times the diameter of the Sun.

Hubble Witnesses Disintegration of Asteroid (March 6, 2014): NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured the break-up of an asteroid into many smaller pieces. This has never been observed before in the asteroid belt.

NASA Launches Rocket Into an Aurora (March 5, 2014): NASA launched a sounding rocket into an aurora over Venetie, Alaska on Monday.

Computer Simulation Shows Exploding Stars Slosh Around Before Going Supernova (March 1, 2014): This 3-D computer simulation using NuSTAR data shows how exploding stars slosh around before exploding in supernovas.

SETI Releases Paper About Hektor, a Dual Shape Trojan Asteroid With a Small Moon (March 1, 2014): Scientists from the SETI Institute have published a paper about Hektor, a dual shape Trojan asteroid with a small moon orbiting it.

Astronomers Say Newly Discovered Black Hole is Fast and Furious (February 28, 2014): Astronomers have discovered a new superpowered small black hole. It is a microquasar named MQ1.

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