South Korean Scientists Clone Coyotes
Posted on October 18, 2011
Scientist Hwang Woo-suk and his research team in South Korea claim to have cloned coyotes. Hwang was early on the cloning scene with successful cow and pig clones, but his respected status in the scientific community took a dive in 2005 when it was discovered falsified data was used in his research papers regarding the creation of a human embryonic stem cell. Now he is back with some cloned coyotes.
Hwang Woo-suk says, "We injected a coyote's somatic cell into a dog's egg and produced a cloned embryo. The pups were born 60 days after we transplanted the embryo into the dog's uterus." Take a look:
The Wall Street Journal reports that Hwang Woo-suk is working on cloning a Lycaon, an African dog, next. He would also like to clone a Mammoth.