SSR Archives Page 46

Stephen Colbert Interviews Neil deGrasse Tyson about Pluto Mission

Stephen Colbert has been putting up interesting content on his YouTube channel even though his talk show has not yet officially started. July 18, 2015

Mosquitoes Use Multiple Senses to Locate Human Prey

Mosquitoes rely on a combination of senses to locate a human. They first CO2 and the switch to vision when they get closer. July 18, 2015

Scientists Say New Seaweed Tastes Like Bacon

Scientists at OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center say they have developed a seaweed that tastes like bacon. July 18, 2015

New Scarab Beetle Species Discovered in Cambodia

A new beetle species has been discovered in Cambodia. It was found in the fungus garden cells of a termite species. July 18, 2015

Researchers Build First Metal Matrix Syntactic Foam Sandwich

Engineers from the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering have built the first metal matrix syntactic foam sandwich July 17, 2015

New Long-legged Diamond Frog Species Discovered in Madagascar

Scientists have discovered a new species of long-legged diamond frog species in Madagascar. July 16, 2015

Fossil of New Feathered Dinosaur Species Unearthed in China

Scientists have discovered a new feathered dinosaur species in China. It is a relative of Velociraptor. July 16, 2015

Youthful Ice Mountain Range Spotted on Pluto

Astronomers have spotted a youthful mountain range on Pluto. NASA astronomers believe it formed no more than 100 million years ago. July 15, 2015

Submerged Extinct Volcano Cluster Discovered Off Coast of Sydney

Scientists discovered an extinct volcano cluster off the coast of Sydney, Australia while they were hunting for larval lobster nursery grounds. July 15, 2015

New Pluto Photo Released as New Horizons Nears Its Closest Approach

NASA released this beautiful new image of Pluto as the New Horizons spacecraft is making its closest approach. July 14, 2015

New Class of Particles Called Pentaquarks Discovered

Researchers at CERN's Large Hadron Collider have reported the discovery of a new class of particles called pentaquarks. July 14, 2015

NASA Shares Artist's Rendering of Pluto Bathed in Moonlight

NASA shared this artist's rendering of what Pluto might look like as it is bathed in moonlight from its largest moon Charon. July 12, 2015

Latest Pluto Image From New Horizons Shows Four Dark Spots

The latest image of Pluto taken by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft shows four dark spots. New Horizons will make its closest approach to Pluto on July 14. July 11, 2015

Scientists Discover Structure That Helps Hold Together Cells

Scientists have discovered a new structure that helps hold together cells. It is called the mesh. July 11, 2015

425 Million Year Old Fossil Shows Tongue Worm Attacking Ostracod

Scientists have created a 3D reconstruction of a 425-million-year-old fossil that shows a pentastomid parasite attacking an ostracod. July 11, 2015

Hairy Antarctic Hoff Crab Gets Formal Scientific Name

Scientists have given a hairy Antarctic crab that was nicknamed The Hoff a formal scientific name. July 10, 2015

Magnetic Waves From Distant Black Hole Shake Like Whip Being Held by Giant Hand

NASA scientists say waves from a distant black hole shake like a whip being held by a giant hand. July 10, 2015

Saber-Toothed Cat's Fearsome Canines Did Not Fully Develop Until Age Three

The fearsome adult canines in saber-toothed cats did not fully develop until they were about three years old. July 9, 2015

Harvard Engineers Build 3-D Printed Autonomous Hopping Robot

Harvard researchers have developed a 3-D printed autonomous soft robot that moves by hopping around. July 9, 2015

Scientists Discover New Herbivorous Dinosaur from South Africa

Scientists have identified a new dinosaur from South Africa. The fossil was originally found in the 1930s but was hidden in a large fossil collection. July 9, 2015

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