SSR Archives Page 42
New Horizons Shares Close-up Images of Pluto's Icy Plains Named Sputnik Planum
New Horizons has shared close-up images of an expanse of icy plains on Pluto called the Sputnik Planum. September 11, 2015
UK's Met Office to Let Public Name Storms
The UK's Met Office is going to let the public name storms in the UK and Ireland. September 9, 2015
New Funnel-Web Spider Species Discovered in Australia
Scientists have discovered a new species of large funnel-web spider in Australia at Booderee National Park. September 9, 2015
OC Robotics Builds Mobile Snake-Arm Robot
OC Robotics has developed a mobile snake-arm robot. The arm can reach 1.5 meters in length. September 7, 2015
Newly Discovered Millipede Described Using 3D Avatar
Researchers have used a 3D cybertype to help described a newly discovered species of millipede September 5, 2015
Jim Bean Firenado Video Virals
A Jim Beam factory leak in 2003 lead to this unique bourbon-fueled Firenado. The video is now viraling. September 4, 2015
New Horizons Selects Kuiper Belt Object as Next Flyby Target
NASA's New Horizons team has selected a new mission for the New Horizons spacecraft. It is a flyby of Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69 September 4, 2015
Australian Scientists Build Starfish Killing Robot
Scientists are developing a robot that will seek out and destroy crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) in the Great Barrier Reef. September 4, 2015
New Crayfish Species Named After Edward Snowden
A newly discovered crayfish has been named after Edward Snowden. The crayfish was discovered in Indonesia. September 3, 2015
Earth is Home to Over 3 Trillion Trees
A new study has found that Earth is home to over 3 trillion trees. This is 7.5 times as many as previous estimates. September 3, 2015
Marine Animal Colony Swims Using Multiple Coordinated Jets
A marine animal colony called Nanomia bijuga swims by jet propulsion using multiple coordinated jets. September 2, 2015
Female Orangutans Prefer Males With Padded Cheeks
A team of scientists say female orangutans prefer males with padded cheeks. September 1, 2015
Southern Australia Reef Discovery Rivals Great Barrier Reef Say Researchers
Researchers say a coral reef discovered off the coast of southern Australia rivals the Great Barrier Reef. September 1, 2015
Pentecopterus Was a Six Foot Long Sea Scorpion
Scientists have discovered the fossil of a six foot long sea scorpion. It has been named Pentecopterus after an ancient Greek warship. September 1, 2015
New Giant File Clam Species Described by Canadian Scientists
Canadian scientists have described a new giant file clam species discovered in deep waters off Newfoundland. August 31, 2015
Three Major Hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean
Satellite imagery shows three major hurricanes in the Pacific - east of the IDL - at one time. August 30, 2015
Cosmic Butterfly: The Twin Jet Nebula
The Hubble Space Telescope's Hubblecast explores the wings of the Twin Jet Nebula. August 28, 2015
Food Waste Up as Kids Toss Fruit and Vegetables in Garbage
A new study by researchers at the University of Vermont found that kids forced to take fruits and vegetables at lunch mostly just threw them away. August 26, 2015
Rare Nautilus Spotted for First Time in Over Thirty Years
A rare nautilus has been spotted for the first time in over 30 years. The rare nautilus was spotted in the South Pacific by biologist Peter Ward. August 26, 2015
New Venomous Snake Species Discovered in Jar at Harvard University
A snake expert has discovered a new venomous snake species in a jar on a shelf in a Harvard University collection. August 24, 2015