New Species of Flat Bug Discovered in Amber
Posted on June 2, 2014
A new species of flat bug has been discovered in a piece of 45 million year old Eocene Baltic Amber. The bug, Aradus macrosomus, is described as a "rather large" version of the genus Aradus. A female member of the ancient flat bug species is pictured above.
The Aradus macrosomus is 9.2 mm (0.36 inches). It has antannae of 2.25 mm in length and an abdomen width of 5.05 mm. It is also described as having a "wide rounded body, structure of head with reniform laterally protruding eyes, long and thin antennae, and shape of the pronotum and scutellum."
The research was published here in Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift.