New Slow Loris Species Discovered in Borneo
Posted on December 14, 2012
Scientists studying the slow loris in the jungles of Borneo have discovered an entirely new species. The new species is found in the central-east highland area of Borneo and is named for a major river flowing in its region, the Kayan. It has been named Nycticebus kayan or the Kayan lors. The new species is endangered like other slow loris species.
The team's analysis of the loris's distinctive facial fur markings revealed the existence of the new species. The findings were published in the journal, American Journal of Primatology.
Rachel Munds from the University of Missouri Columbia said in a release, "Technological advances have improved our knowledge about the diversity of several nocturnal mammals. Historically many species went unrecognized as they were falsely lumped together as one species. While the number of recognized primate species has doubled in the past 25 years some nocturnal species remain hidden to science."
Although it does not look menacing, the Kayan loris, like other slow lorises, has a toxic bite. BBC News reports that the toxin is strong enough to potentially cause fatal anaphylactic shock in humans.