Insect News: Page 9
This is page 9 of the insect news archives.Video: Giant Water Bug Lethocerus Patruelis Kills a Fish (July 31, 2013): This is a video of the giant water bug larva, Lethocerus patruelis, attacking and killing a fish.
33 New Ant Species Discovered in Central America. Some Named After Mayan Lords and Demons (July 30, 2013): 33 new ant species discovered in Central America and the Caribbean. Some of the ants have been named after Mayan lords and demons.
Bee Swarm Attacks Couple, Horses and Hens in Pantego, Texas (July 30, 2013): A swarm of 30,000 bees attacked a couple in Pantego, Texas and killed their show horses and four chickens.
Newly Discovered Parasitoid Wasp Species Rides on the Backs of Damselflies (July 29, 2013): A newly discovered parasitoid was species rides on the backs of damselflies. It also lays its eggs in their eggs.
New Weevil Genus Discovered in 18th Century Specimen (July 26, 2013): A specimen from the 1770s has revealed a new South African weevil genus.
New Species of Owlet Moth Discovered in Iran (July 17, 2013): A new species of moth has been discovered in Iran. It is the fifth described species of the genus Anagnorisma.
Leafcutter Ants Carry Signs to Protect Rainforest in WWF Campaign (July 16, 2013): Leafcutter ants were used in a unique WWF campaign. They carried signs - etched in leaves - in the Ant Rally campaign.
New Snow Scorpionfly Species Discovered in Alaska (July 11, 2013): A new species of snow scorpionfly has been discovered in Alaska
No Longer Extinct Orange Headed Corpse Eating Bone-Skipper Flies Given Neotype Designation (July 7, 2013): Orange headed, corpse eating, bone-skipper flies are no longer extinct. They were though to have gone extinct 160 years ago.
Study Finds Hawkmoths Generate Sonic Pulses Using Their Genitals (July 6, 2013): Study finds hawmoths can generate sonic pulses with their genitals, possibly to jam bats echolocation ability.
Spider Webs More Effective at Capturing Electrically Charged Insects (July 5, 2013): Scientists have discovered that spider webs are more effective at captured insects with a positive electric charge.
32 New Species of Tiny Parasitoid Wasps Discovered (July 3, 2013): 32 new species of tiny parasitoid wasps have been discovered. The tiny wasps inject their eggs into spider eggs.
Researchers Use Kinect to Steer Cockroach Biobots (June 25, 2013): Researchers are using the Microsoft Kinect to steer cockroach biobots.
New Species of Burying Beetle Discovered in Solomon Islands (June 21, 2013): A new species of burying beetle has been discovered in the Solomon Islands. The species is called Nicrophorus efferens.
Sun Moth: New Moth Species Discovered in China (June 20, 2013): A new moth species has been discovered in China. The name is inspired by the patch on its wings that resembles the rising sun.
New Species of Yellow Slug Moth Discovered in China (June 4, 2013): A new species of yellow slug moth has been discovered in China. They resemble slugs as larvae.
New Green-Eyed Butterfly Discovered in Texas (May 28, 2013): A new green-eyed butterfly with an olive green eye color. The butterfly species was given the common name Vicroy's Ministreak.
Egyptian Scientists Creates Clothing to Repel Insects (May 27, 2013): An Egyptian scientist has created clothing that can repel insects, such as mosquitoes.
German Cockroaches Evolve to Avoid Sugar Traps (May 26, 2013): Some German cockroaches have evolved to avoid sugar traps. The cockroaches are repulsed by glucose, a sguar used in roach-bait poison.
Scientists Discover Feeding Relationship Between Ants and Bornean Insect-Eating Pitcher Plant (May 24, 2013): Ants and a Bornean insect-eating pitcher plant have a unique relationship. The ants dive into the plant and consume mosquito larvae and prey that falls into the trap.
Pirate Ant: New Species of Ant Discovered in Philippines Has Markings Resembling Eye Patch (May 21, 2013): The Pirate Ant is a new ant species from the Phillipines with a bizarre pigmentation pattern.
Scientists Reveal Metamorphosis Inside Living Chrysalis With Time-Lapse CT Scanning (May 18, 2013): Scientists have captured the metamorphosis inside a living chrysalis using time-lapse CT scanning.
Report: Over 30% of Managed Honey Bee Colonies in U.S. Lost Last Winter (May 9, 2013): Preliminary survey indicates 31.1% of managed honey bee colonies in the United States were lost during the 2012/2013 winter.
Greater Wax Moth Has Highest Recorded Frequency Sensitivity of Any Animal (May 8, 2013): Scientists at the University of Strathclyde have discovered that the greater wax moth has the highest recorded frequency sensitivity of any animal.
New Wasp Species Found in Russia Named After University of California, Riverside (May 6, 2013): A new wasp species has been discovered in Russia. It has been named Gonatocerus ucri after UC Riverside.