Insect News: Page 5

This is page 5 of the insect news archives.

Spinning Hindtails of Luna Moths Fool Bat Sonar (February 19, 2015): A new study has found that the spinning hindtails of Luna moths can fool bat sonar.

Fire Ants Sailed the World on 16th Century Spanish Galleons (February 18, 2015): Scientists say fire ants sailed the world on 16th century Spanish galleons. These ships helped the ant spread to new tropical locations.

Borneo Caterpillar Makes Cocoon Out of Dried Resin (January 31, 2015): A caterpillar in Borneo makes its nests out of resin. It is the only known caterpillar in the world to make nests this way.

New Paper Wasp Species Discovered in India (January 30, 2015): A new species of paper wasp has been discovered in India. The wasp is from the southern Western Ghats.

Study Finds Pillbugs Feed on Human Corpses (January 25, 2015): Pillbugs have been found eating human corpses. The pillbugs left small marks that could be misinterpreted by forensic investigators.

Study Finds Pitcher Plants Switch Off Traps to Capture More Ants (January 24, 2015): A study has found that pitcher plants can temporarily swtich off their traps to capture more ants.

New Wood Eating Cockroach Speces Discovered in China (January 20, 2015): A new species of wood eating cockroach has been discovered in China.

Four New Species of Bush Crickets Discovered in Museum Collections (January 20, 2015): Four new species of bush crickets have been discovered in museum collections.

Brazilian Scarab Beetles Hide Inside Termite Nests (January 13, 2015): Scientists have found Brazilian scarab beetles hiding inside the nests of termites.

Dohrniphora Flies Decapitate Injured Ants (January 6, 2015): Scientists have discovered that Dohrniphora flies remove the heads of injured trap-jaw ants.

Scientists Find Ants Prefer Left Turns When Exploring Unknown Spaces (January 5, 2015): Scientists from the University of Bristol have discovered that ants have a left bias when exploring unknown spaces.

Monarch Butterfly Being Considered for Endangered Species Protection (January 3, 2015): The Monarch Butterfly is being considered for protection under the Endangered Species Act.

98 New Species of Weevils Discovered in Indonesia (December 27, 2014): Night-eight new species of beetles have discovered in Indonesia. They belong to the weevil genus Trigonopterus.

Researchers Build Robotic Stick Insect Named Hector (December 17, 2014): Research have built a robot stick insect named Hector. It has six legs and an ultralight exoskeleton.

Asian Camel Crickets Invade Homes in Eastern United States (December 14, 2014): The Asian Camel Cricket is now considered common in homes in the eastern United States.

Researchers Use Motion-Capture Technology to Study Dragonfly Hunting Techniques (December 12, 2014): Researchers have used motion-capture technology study the hunting techniques of the dragonfly.

Seven New Species of Blind Cave Beetles Discovered in Southern China (November 17, 2014): Scientists have discovered seven new species of blind cave beetles in Southern China.

Study Finds 42 Different Ant Species Inhabit New York City (November 12, 2014): There are at least 42 different types of ant species living in New York City according to a new study.

Three New Species of Dragon Millipedes Discovered in China (October 30, 2014): Three new species of dragon millipedes have been discovered in China. Two of the species are though to be cave dwelling millipedes.

Ant Species Mimics Other Ant Species and Steals Their Food (October 6, 2014): A newly discovered ant species mimics another ant species so it can steal their food and follow their food trails.

Fly Size Influenced by Mother's Previous Sexual Partner (October 4, 2014): Scientists say they have found that the size of a fly can be influenced by the fly mother's previous sexual partner.

Scientists Make First Step in Developing Cyborg Moth Biobots (August 22, 2014): Scientists from North Carolina State University are working on developing cyborg moth biobots.

New Planthopper Insect Discovered in Southern Spain (August 8, 2014): Scientists have identified a new species of planthopper in southern Spain. The species belongs to the Conosimus genus.

Giant Dobsonfly With Wingspan Over 8 Inches Found in China (July 23, 2014): Scientists have found a giant dobsonfly with a wingspan over 8 inches found in China's Sichuan province.

Bone-House Wasp Uses Bodies of Dead Ants to Make Its Nest (July 7, 2014): The bone-house wasp incorporates the bodies of dead ants into its nests. The newly discovered wasp from South-East China actually predates spiders and not ants.

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