India Bans Exports of N95 Masks
Posted on January 31, 2020
India is a manufacturer of masks used to curtail the spread of respiratory diseases such as the coronavirus. These include the N95 masks. India has now banned mask exports as well as exports of related clothing and equipment.India recently reported its first case of the virus and is likely to need the masks to curb the spread in its own country. Its decision to halt exports will cause problems for other countries and a global shortage. Instead of halting exports India should be increasing mask production. This could be a situation where the World Health Organization could play a role. Masks are also important in the health community for situations other than the coronavirus.
India's Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) issued the following statement: "Exports of all varieties of personal protection equipment including clothing and masks used to protect the wearer from air borne particles and/or any other respiratory masks or any other personal protective clothing (including coveralls and N95 masks) hereby prohibited with immediate effect till further orders."
There are also reports of mask shortages in China. China also makes masks but they are unable to keep up with their own demand. China has reportedly asked India for N95 masks according to The Economic Times. It does not appear India will be shipping them any in the immediate future.
There are now nearly 10,000 cases of the coronarivus in China alone. China has been shutting down cities and rapidly building hospitals in an attempt to contain the virus. If the virus is as contagious as it appears this effort will likely fail. A vaccine that prevents someone from coming down with the virus - and spreading it to others - will probably be required along with quarantine efforts in order to fully contain it.
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