Ice Crawlers: Insects That Live on Glaciers and Ice Caves
Posted on October 8, 2011
Grylloblattids (also called ice crawlers) are a poorly known group of primitive insects that live in only cold and extreme habitats, such as glaciated mountains or ice caves. The insects can only be found in Japan, Siberia, the northwestern United States, and western Canada. There are 26 species known worldwide. Purdue Universitys Dr. Grzegorz Buczkowski says some species are isolated to specific caves. He also says that many grylloblattid habitats are threatened by climate change. He also says, "the insects will die if held only briefly in a human hand."
This video by Dr. Buczkowski shows a ice crawler traversing an ice field as she searches for food. You can read more about grylloblattodea here. Take a look: