Health News: Page 18

This is page 18 of the health news archives.

CDC: Fatality Rate for H1N1 Slightly Higher Than Seasonal Flu (May 19, 2009): The CDC believes that fatality rate for H1N1 swine flu is slightly higher than that of the seasonal flu. It is not yet known if there will be a summer break from the flu virus.

CDC: 50,000 People May Have Swine Flu (May 15, 2009): WebMD reports that Daniel Jernigan, MD, PhD, deputy director of the CDC's influenza division says that more than 100,000 Americans probably have the flu and of these at least half probably have swine flu.

CVS, Walgreens Ready Stores For Swine Flu Shoppers (April 26, 2009): Bloomberg reports that drugstores like CVS and Walgreens are gearing up for shoppers coming into stores to buy swine flu related products like hand sanitizers, respirators and surgical face masks.

Swine Flu Update: 1,000+ Sick, 60 Dead in Mexico; 9 U.S. Cases (April 24, 2009): Yesterday, news broke that the CDC was tracking several cases of swine flu in the U.

The Medpedia Project Launches (February 26, 2009): The Medpedia Project has announced the public launch of the beta version of Medpedia, a health resource and technology platform for the worldwide health community.

Calories Increase in Joy of Cooking Recipes (February 16, 2009): A new Cornell study has found that the 18 recipes published continuously in the classic cookbook, The Joy of Cooking, have increased in average calories per serving by 63% since the book debuted in 1936.

Dust Mites Trigger Asthma By Tricking the Immune System (January 10, 2009): The horrible looking creature above is a dust mite and it is known to trigger asthma attacks.

Injectable Bone Could Seal Broken Bones in Minutes (January 3, 2009): NBC News has a report about an interesting new product called Injectable Bone.

The Happiness Contagion: Study Finds Being Happy is Contagious (December 7, 2008): A new study of over 4,700 people found that happiness is contagious and can spread from person to person. It was reported in the BMJ.

Study Finds Web Health Searches Fuel Fears (December 5, 2008): Everyone likes to search for information about their ailments online.

Cold Cough Photo Using Schlieren Photography (November 21, 2008): Here is a frightening photograph of someone with a cold coughing and a thick cloud of cold virus being released and widely dispersed.

Google Uses Search Results to Estimate Flu Activity (November 11, 2008): Google has launched a new service called Google Flu Trends that uses search activity to estimate flu activity in your state.

Study: Women's Hands Have More Bacteria Than Men's (November 6, 2008): The BBC reports that a new study has found that women harbour more types of bacteria on their hands than men The article says the research may eventually help scientists determine which bacteria species are linked to different diseases.

AOA Warns Halloween Eye Wear Can Damage Eyes (October 20, 2008): The American Optometric Association (AOA) is warning consumers about the risks of wearing decorative contact lenses without a prescription from an eye doctor.

Britain Adds Graphic Labels to Cigarette Packs (October 2, 2008): This image is one of the new graphic images the UK is going to require on cigarette packs to deter people from smoking.

John McCain Takes Stricter Stance on Embryonic Stem Cell Research (September 28, 2008): Wired reports tha Senator John McCain has taken a stronger stance against embryonic stem cell research lately.

What Should You Keep In Your Medicine Cabinet? (September 15, 2008): Dr.

Study Finds No Measles Vaccine and Autism Link (September 4, 2008): A new study has found that there is no link between the measles vaccine and Autism.

Things to Avoid: Deer Ticks (September 4, 2008): You don't want this tick anywhere near you.

Half of Americans Have Vision Problems (August 11, 2008): The BBC reports that a study conducted by the National Eye Institute (NEI) reported in the Archives of Ophthalmology found that half of Americans suffer from a vision problem of some kind.

Vampire Bats Possibly Spreading Rabies in Venezuela (August 10, 2008): CNN reports that 38 Waro Indians in remote villages in Venezuela have died from symptoms similar to rabies.

Website Assigns Walk Scores to Neighborhoods (August 8, 2008): A new website called WalkScore.

Concerns About West Nile Virus in Southern California (August 5, 2008): The L.

World Gastroenterology Organization Releases New Digestive Health Guidelnes (July 30, 2008): The World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) recently released new digestive health guidelines.

Report Says Pre-Alzheimer's Cases Rising (July 29, 2008): The AP reports that a new report on Alzheimer's says that it is much more common than previously thought with a million Americans sliding into "mild impairment" annually.

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