Doctors Can't Explain Strange New Disease
Posted on May 12, 2006
Doctors are trying to understand a strange new disease called Morgellons disease. Symptoms include sweat that is black and tarry, fuzzy spores, strange lesions and weird fibers that come out of the victim's skin. It is said to be extremely painful and at least one patient has committed suicide. An article on says that there are over 100 cases in South Texas.
Patients say that's the worst symptom � strange fibers that pop out of your skin in different colors.You can learn more about the disease at the Morgellons Research Foundation, which has set up an informational website about the disease. The site includes some photographs of the strange lesions."He'd have attacks and fibers would come out of his hands and fingers, white, black and sometimes red. Very, very painful," said Lisa Wilson, whose son Travis had Morgellon's disease.
While all of this is going on, it feels like bugs are crawling under your skin. So far more than 100 cases of Morgellons disease have been reported in South Texas.
"It really has the makings of a horror movie in every way," Savely said.
While Savely sees this as a legitimate disease, there are many doctors who simply refuse to acknowledge it exists, because of the bizarre symptoms patients are diagnosed as delusional.