Researchers Create 3D Simulation of Common Cold Virus Using Australia's Fastest Computer
Posted on July 21, 2012
Researchers from the University of Melbourne have simulated in 3D the motion of the complete human rhinovirus, which causes the common cold. The scientists used Australia's fastest computer, IBM Blue Gene/Q, for the 3D simulation. The researchers say the simulation could pave the way for new drug development. A surface rendering of the common cold virus is pictured above.
Rhinovirus infection is linked to about 70% of all asthma exacerbations with more than 50% of these patients requiring hospitalization. Over 35% of patients with acute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are hospitalized each year due to respiratory viruses including rhinovirus. This cut away view of the common cold virus shows the RNA interior:
A new antiviral drug to treat rhinovirus infections is being developed by Melbourne company Biota Holdings Ltd. The drug is targeted for those with pre-existing conditions (asthma, COPD) where the common cold is a serious threat to their health and could prove fatal. A team of researchers led by Professor Michael Parker from St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research (SVI) and the University of Melbourne are using information on how the new drug works to create the 3D simulation of the complete rhinovirus using IBM Blue Gene/Q .
Dr. Parker says, "The IBM Blue Gene/Q will provide us with extraordinary 3D computer simulations of the whole virus in a time frame not even dreamt of before. Supercomputer technology enables us to delve deeper in the mechanisms at play inside a human cell, particularly how drugs work at a molecular level. This work offers exciting opportunities for speeding up the discovery and development of new antiviral treatments and hopefully save many lives around the world."
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