Billions of Noisy 17-Year Brood II Cicadas Emerging in Northeast U.S.
Posted on May 6, 2013
The Brood II (Magicicada septendecim) cicadas are arriving in the Northeast U.S. after a 17-year absence. The cicadas emerge from the ground every 17-years to mate. Discovery News reports that the cicadas begin to emerge when the ground reaches about 64 degrees Fahrenheit. There are expected to be billions of them this year. A website named Cicada Mania has a webpage here about where to find them. They also report that the Brood II emergence is underway.
Missy Henricksen of the National Pest Management Association warns, "We'll see them, we'll feel them landing on us, we'll smell their rotting shells, animals will taste them and we all will certainly hear them."
Take a look: