Animal News: Page 23
This is page 23 of the animal news archives.Strange New Clam Species, Named Waldo, Discovered on Spines of Sea Urchins (July 20, 2013): A strange new species of clam, named Waldo, has been discovered on the spines of California sea urchins.
Tiny New Armored Catfish Species Found in Brazil (July 19, 2013): A tiny new species of catfish has been discovered in the waters of Rio Rio Paraiba do Sul basin, Brazil. It belongs to a genus of armored catfishes.
Baby Pudu, World's Smallest Deer, Born at Queens Zoo (July 12, 2013): A baby southern pudu has been born at the Queens Zoo. The doe weight one pound at birth and will weigh up to 20 pounds as an adult.
7 Year Study Finds Greater Prairie Chickens Not Greatly Affected by Wind Power (July 11, 2013): A seven year study has found that greater prairie chickens are not greatly affected by wind power.
Well Preserved Baby Woolly Mammoth Goes on Display in Tokyo (July 9, 2013): A well preserved baby woolly mammoth goes on display in Tokyo this month.
Cockatoos Pick Complex Puzzle Box Locks to Get Nuts (July 6, 2013): Cockatoos were able to solve complex puzzle box locks to get nuts in a study published in PLoS One.
Smithsonian's National Zoo Takes Steps to Prevent Another Red Panda Escape (July 6, 2013): Smithsonian's National Zoo takes steps to prevent another red panda escape. Rusty believed to have escaped on temporary bridge of tree limbs and bamboo.
3D Printing Company Creates Prosthetic Foot for Duck (July 3, 2013): Novacopy, a printing company in Nashville, printed a prosthetic foot for Buttercup, a duck born with a backwards foot.
Molecular Analysis Reveals New White Toothed Shrew Species in Vietnam (July 2, 2013): A new species of white toothed shrew gas been identified in Vietnam. Crocidura sapaensis is the name of the new species
Two-Headed Turtle Born at San Antonio Zoo (June 28, 2013): A two-headed turtle recently hatched at the San Antonio Zoo.
New Bird Species Found in Phnom Penh (June 25, 2013): A new bird species, the Cambodian tailorbird, was discovered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital city of 1.5 million people.
Bumpy Cow-sized Reptile Roamed Pangea Over 200 Million Years Ago (June 24, 2013): Scientists have announced the discovery of fossils of a bumy reptile that roamed Pangea during the Permian era.
Burmese Python Opens Door in Viral Video (June 20, 2013): A video viraling around the Internet shows a burmese python emerging from a closet after apparently opening the door by itself.
Predatory Sea Slug Learns What Not to Eat By Trying to Eat Everything (June 20, 2013): A sea slug learns what not to eat by trying everything. If it tastes something it doesn't like it will avoid it the second time around, unless it is really hungry.
Woman Slothified After Rescuing 200 Sloths in Suriname (June 8, 2013): Monique Pool and her team rescued over 200 sloths in Suriname. She is now slothified as her home is the sloth sanctuary.
Odd Sucking Disc of Remora Fish Developed From Dorsal Fin (June 7, 2013): Scientists have determined that the odd sucking disc on the remora fish developed from its dorsal fin.
Magpies Make Decisions Faster if Humans Are Looking at Them Say Scientists (June 7, 2013): Scientists says they have determined that magpies making faster decisions if humans are looking directly at them.
Tiny 1 Ounce Archicebus Achilles is the Earliest Known Primate (June 5, 2013): Scientists have announced the discovery of a 55 million year old primate fossil. Archicebus Achilles lived about 55 million years ago in China
New Scorpion Species Discovered in Ecuadorian Andes (June 5, 2013): A new species of scorpion has been discovered in the Ecuadorian Andes. It is part of a group known to produce a powerful venom.
New Species of Ancient Giant Asian Lizard Named After Doors Singer Jim Morrison (June 5, 2013): Scientists have announced the discover of a new species of giant ancient asian lizard named barbaturex morrisoni.
Hula Painted Frog Rediscovered in Israel After Being Declared Extinct in 1996 (June 4, 2013): The Hula pinated frog has been rediscovered in Israel after being declared extinct in 1996. It was thought to have disappeared in the 1950s when Hula Lake dried up.
Pigs Fed Marijuana Plant Parts at Seattle Pig Farm Grow Heavier (June 2, 2013): Pigs at a Seattle pig farm were fed marijuna weed waste and grew larger than pigs not fed the cannabis leavings.
Bright Pink Slugs Reside on Australia's Mount Kaputar (May 31, 2013): A bright pink slug resides on Mount Kaputar in New South Wales, Australia. It consumes moss and mold.
Animation: The Evolution of the Turtle Shell (May 31, 2013): Scientists create an animation of the origin of the turtle shell
Feisty Newt-Sized Creature Named Wessie Roamed Isle of Wight 130 Million Years Ago (May 29, 2013): A feisty newt-sized creature named Wesserpeton lived on the Isle of Wight about 130 million years ago. The creature is named Wessie for short.