7 Billionth Babies Celebrated Around the World
Posted on October 31, 2011
7 Billionth babies are being celebrated as the world's population is thought to have reached the 7 billion mark. The babies are cute, but the population reaching 7 billion makes this Halloween truly scary. The growing human population raises concerns about just how many people the planet can support.
The 7 billion number was selected by the United Nations. National Geographic says the U.S. Census Bureau doesn't think the planet will reach the 7 billion human mark until March 12, 2012.
John Bongaarts, vice president of the Population Council, argues that the actual date Earth attains the 7 billion humans mark is not important. What's important is that there are tons of people living on a planet with limited resources. Bongaarts says, "Worrying about whether the population is 6.95 or 7.05 billion is a bit missing the point. The message is that we have a huge population and we should learn to pay attention to its impact."
Some of the 7 billionth babies were cherished with gifts and cakes. Take a look: